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Picture this: you’re part of a family, a crew that’s all about creating new things, and bringing ideas to reality with precision manufacturing. This is Focus, and we’ve been diligently crafting excellence for over 30 years. Not too long ago, we had a bit of an epiphany. We noticed that while our work had been evolving, our brand was seemingly stuck in a bygone era. We realized it was high time our brand mirrored who we’ve become – a mature, customer-centric team passionate about bringing ideas to life.

When Change Calls

It all started with an honest look in the mirror. We heard the echoes within our walls – the brand felt too plain, lacking personality, almost elusive. We decided it was time to ramp up, to make our mark more vibrant, approachable, and identifiable.

Why did we hit the refresh button on our brand, you ask? The answer lies in a combination of factors, both internal and external, and a journey that has spanned over 30 years.

  1. A Whole New World: Three decades ago, our world was a different place. The digital revolution was yet to come. As we started using emails more than faxes, as our clients began requesting 3D files rather than blueprints, it was clear we needed a brand that could converse with the tech-savvy, informed customer of today.
  2. Vision Quest: Our journey led us to a point where we realized that we needed a lighthouse – a strong, well-defined vision. This vision would help guide us, keeping us anchored in our relentless pursuit of excellence and precision.
  3. Belief System: We had a vision, but our brand needed to reflect our belief system – our undying dedication to quality, our love for precision, and our commitment to making our customers happy. We wanted these values to be the lifeblood of our brand.
  4. Uniquely Us: In an industry where everyone’s trying to outdo the other, we knew we had to be more than just different. We wanted to remind the world and ourselves of the unique value we bring to the table. We’re not just about making parts, we’re about crafting bespoke solutions that help our customers succeed.

Our rebranding isn’t just about keeping up with the times. It’s a declaration of our identity, a statement of our beliefs, and a testament to the unique value we offer to our customers in today’s fast-paced world.

The Gathering of Insights

Our first step? Tapping into the wisdom of our tribe. We held heart-to-heart conversations with our team and customers. We dug into their perceptions and experiences with our brand. The insights we gained were invaluable and helped set the stage for our rebranding strategy.

Putting the Pieces Together

Equipped with a treasure trove of information, we could see clearly what needed to change. Our visual identity, website, logo – all of it needed a facelift. But we also discovered our strengths – our precision, our expertise, and our unwavering commitment to our customer’s success. We realized that the real power was in our story, our journey, and our identity.

After weeks of graphic design work, the final icon, by a surprising coincidence, mirrored the exact proportions of Turner’s Cube, crafted by our machinist Ryan decades ago. This emblem of gratitude and partnership has long been used by Focus to appreciate partners and co-op students.

Carving Out Our Unique Selling Proposition

This introspection helped us sculpt our USP: “We are a passionate local machining company that loves to bring our partners’ ideas to life.” In one sentence, we had managed to capture our heart and soul – our commitment to precision and our unwavering dedication to our customer’s success.

"We are a passionate local machining company that loves to bring our partners’ ideas to life."

Defining Our Values and Pillars

Our journey of self-discovery wasn’t over. We wanted to define our brand values and pillars: aspects that would act as the guiding force behind our decisions and our overall brand persona.

We engaged our entire team in this process, and even some of our long-term clients chipped in. Everyone’s thoughts were crucial in ensuring our values genuinely mirror who we are and who we aspire to be. This collective brainstorming led us to define our 4 Pillars and 8 Values:

Our Values

  1. Reliability: Count on us. Our processes are efficient, we respect deadlines, and we believe in clear communication.
  2. Innovation: We don’t just embrace change, we drive it. Pushing boundaries and exploring new possibilities is what we’re about.
  3. Quality: Your trust fuels our dedication to delivering high-quality parts. We stick to your specifications and the highest industry standards.
  4. Partnership: Our clients are more than just customers; they’re our partners. We succeed when they succeed.
  5. Passion: Love for creating is in our DNA. We strive to exceed your expectations in service, innovation, and quality.
  6. Creativity: We’re a creative bunch. Give us a complex manufacturing problem, and we’ll find a creative solution.
  7. Teamwork: We believe in the magic of collaboration. We’re a team that thrives on shared ideas and achieving more together.
  8. Environmental Sustainability: We’re responsible stewards of our environment. From waste reduction to resource conservation, we’re committed to sustainable practices.

Our Pillars

  1. Proud to be Local: We don’t just work here; we’re a part of this community. Our local focus ensures quality and supports our community.
  2. Design for Manufacturing: We balance superior performance and cost-effectiveness in our design process. We don’t just deliver a product; we offer a balanced solution.
  3. Variety of Services: We believe in the power of choices. From selecting the most fitting material to laser marking, we’re your one-stop shop for machining needs.
  4. Unparalleled Quality Control: We don’t compromise on quality. Our meticulous QC process ensures we deliver nothing but excellence.

Fashioning Our New Look

Developing our new visual identity was akin to a thrilling adventure. Our new logo, with its sleek lines and modern design, echoes our dedication to precision and excellence. And yes, we chose ‘Focus Blue’ as our brand colour because it symbolizes trust and reliability.

The logo turned out to be serendipitously similar to the Turner’s Cube, a machined ornament we’ve gifted to our partners over the years as a token of our partnership. It was a delightful realization!


Our rebranding odyssey has been an exhilarating ride. As we embrace our new identity, we’re more excited than ever to continue delivering precision-crafted machine parts that power your success. We invite you to explore our new brand and look forward to continuing our journey with you.

A Salute to the Crew

To every single soul that contributed to this rebranding journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Here’s to a fresh start with a brand-new focus!

Vince Alcantara

Vince is a self-taught Graphic Designer with a decade of experience in Marketing and Branding. Loves the outdoors, skating and reading a good book by the beach.